It's your Trachstar coming to share my new chapter in my life with you. Having had an emergency Tracheotomy done in April...I am still getting used to this lifestyle change. But don't fret....I'm always up for a new challenge!! I am going to share my journey with you. I do hope you enjoy my little blog. I'll share recipes, my plans for an epic solo road trip and maybe share some of the things I have to do to be able to breath and talk....and what ever else I'd care to share with you... stay tuned!!Because of my diagnosis (Pulamanary Hypertention) I need to take dairy out of my diet. I'm looking to the alternative cheeses like vegetarian and vegan cheeses. Suggestions so far are:
I'll revue when I've used the products. I'm looking forward to trying them and hopefully being more healthy. One step closer to getting this trach out. I you have any suggestions....please share. I would really appreciate any recommendations and thoughts.
The Trachstar!!